Airbnb Homeowners Challenge Closure And Epidemic Coronavirus
airbnb english version

The British government has said that the ads of the tourist hospitality company for apartments and houses Airbnb about some real estate as sanctuaries from the Coronavirus are dangerous and irresponsible.

Some homeowners in the British countryside have declared their homes as sanctuaries for COVID-19, saying they are very suitable for isolation with the family.

The new Corona Virus Act states that holiday homes should only be rented to key employees, such as doctors and nurses, who need to isolate themselves.

But some of the ads posted on the company’s website still allow for those residences to be booked directly for rent without examination, according to BBC discoveries.

Advertised dwellings as self-segregated places include dreamy huts, boats for dwelling and a castle.

One of the hosts, who was contacted by the BBC, said the rent he received was only from the main staff category.

But others complained that the state of the closure had damaged their work.

Our instructions are clear, said Minister of Tourism Nigel Hadleyston, in response to the BBC's findings.

He added: It is not a matter of travel necessary to spend holidays, nor travel for recreation, nor visit another home that you own, and people must stay in their basic housing.

Some real estate owners act in an irresponsible and dangerous way when they promote their properties as havens for isolation.

We started writing to companies today to remind them of their responsibilities, especially at this time.

Individuals and companies may face fines of up to about £ 960 if they violate the rules, according to the government.

Missing income

Airbnb announced last month a worldwide extension of the mitigating circumstances policy, according to which all guests, who booked rental housing between March 14 and May 31, are entitled to cancel the reservation and recover all that They pushed him.

The company acknowledged, in a message posted on its website, that its decision to return what the guests had paid was distress for many hosts, and said it would pay 200 million pounds to help cover the costs of canceling previous reservations.

But one of the Airbnb hosts told the BBC that the hosts had not received clear instructions from the company, not to accept any reservations in advance.

The company, which is based in the United States, did not respond to government interference in the dispute.

But earlier this month, she had released a statement saying: We have announced a platform through which Airbnb hosts can offer free places to National Health Insurance Authority staff, and medical personnel working on the front lines, to stay, to cancel Airbnb. Prescribed fees.

The statement added: We regularly discuss with the government the restrictions imposed on travel during the closure period, have taken measures, and have decided some rules, for both hosts and guests.

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