Your method of preparing coffee may cause you premature death. This is the conclusion of a study, the first of its kind, that examined the links between methods of preparing coffee and the risks of heart attacks and death.
According to the study, published Thursday in the European Journal of Cardiology, a filtered coffee drink is the safest for health, according to the site Medical Press.
Our study provides strong and convincing evidence of a link between the methods of preparing coffee, heart attacks and longevity, said study author Professor Dag S. Thale, of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. These substances reduce the risk of heart attacks and premature death.
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world and the most used steroids.
Professor Thiel discovered about 30 years ago that coffee consumption is associated with high total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL), to the extent that it is likely to have harmful consequences for heart health.
Experiments identified harmful substances in coffee and located that they will be removed employing a filter, as a cup of unfiltered coffee contains about 30 times the concentration of drugs that raise fat compared to filtered coffee.
Thiel added: We wondered if this effect of cholesterol would lead to more heart attacks and deaths from heart disease, so we prepared a large population study for several decades and later announced the results.
He explained that between 1985 and 2003 the study recorded a representative sample of the Norwegian population: 508,747 healthy men and women between 20 and 79 years old.
Participants completed a questionnaire on the amount and type of coffee consumed, and data was also collected on variables that could affect both coffee consumption and heart disease, so that they could be calculated in analysis such as smoking, education, physical activity, height, weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol.
Participants were followed for a mean of 20 years, with a complete of 46,341 participants who died, of whom, 12,621 deaths were thanks to disorder , and among cardiovascular deaths, there have been 6,220 deaths from a attack .
He pointed out that in general, drinking coffee was not a dangerous habit, but filtered coffee was safer than any coffee at all, and a comparison between no coffee, or a filtered drink and the number of deaths, the study found a 15% reduction in the risk of death.
For deaths from cardiovascular disease, the filtered drink was associated with a 12% lower risk of death in men, and a 20% lower risk in women compared to not drinking coffee.
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