Although it should not be classified as dairy, almond milk is very similar in composition and general appearance to milk or milk, together we know the benefits of almond milk and why it should be introduced to the diet for you person looking for health and wellness.
From childhood we used to drink and eat only the milk of cows or goats, which are the types that always come to mind from the types of milk, perhaps for the rural and nomadic nature of Arab societies in general and the spread of livestock to before twenty years later, and with the decline of livestock and the resort to purchasing types Imported from milk.
We started to get to know milk in forms we did not witness before, there is milk that comes in powder form, and there is milk that comes from plants, there is coconut milk, and there is milk from almonds, and many other plants, and with the amazement that surrounds us when Hear such brightness Blame, unless you provide it, compels us to ask many questions about it, what do you contain of vitamins and minerals, and do you sing about the animal milk that we are used to.
First you must know that almond milk is milk without milk and therefore it is always recommended for those who suffer from milk allergy And they are not recommended to eat it, therefore, almond milk does not provide much protein or calcium to be a complete alternative, so you need to make sure to get sufficient quantities from other sources, so the formula is that one cup of almond milk has one gram of protein in exchange for 8 grams in cow's milk , And 2 mg of calcium compared to 300 mg In cow's milk.
If the offering will be why I have to buy it and usually its price is higher than cow's milk, the first answer as we have already said is that it is free from dairy and therefore it is considered a good alternative to cow milk for those who are allergic to it, as for the rest of the reasons are as follows.
It helps to deal with weight
In contrast to some of the ideas that we hold that milk or liquids in general do not contribute to a significant increase in weight, except that this is a reality, and for this you can go to using almond milk instead of circulating milk, and to guide us back to the previous equations: one cup of almond milk It contains only 60 calories, instead of 146 calories in whole milk, 122 calories in milk 2%, 102 calories in 1 milk%, and 86 calories in skim milk. This equation makes you realize how much this milk is a great alternative that will help you lose or even maintain your current weight.
Almond milk keeps the heart healthy
Because almond milk is not milk but is extracted from plants, then it does not contain cholesterol or saturated fats, in addition to that the sodium levels are low in it, and in return there is a rise in healthy fats (such as omega fatty acids, which are usually found in fish), which It helps prevent high blood pressure and heart disease, these reasons may actually be enough until you head into this milk to keep your heart healthy.
It helps build your strong bones
Although almond milk does not contain high levels of calcium, such as cow's milk, for example, it contains 30% of calcium, which is a good percentage, as well as 25% of the recommended amount for a normal person to consume per day of vitamin D This vitamin helps reduce the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis in addition to its role in improving the human immune function. Also, the sum of these elements means helping to provide healthy bones and teeth formation.
Maintains skin's radiance and radiance
If you want to preserve your skin or get fresh, glowing, and healthy skin, you must replace natural milk or supplement it with almond milk by having almond milk that contains a high percentage of vitamin E, which contains the antioxidant properties necessary for your skin’s health, such as protecting it against damage caused by Sunlight violet
Hardly affects blood sugar
This is also an advantage that should not be overlooked when choosing almond milk, as it (without any additives) is low in carbohydrates, this means that it will not significantly increase blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Because of the low glycemic index, and because your body will use carbohydrates as energy instead of storing sugars and fats, the result is zero carbohydrates, (as we said again if taken without additives.)
Almond milk helps build muscle and speed up healing from injuries
Although almond milk contains only 1 gram of protein per cup, it contains a high percentage of vitamin B because it contains iron and riboflavin, both of which are important for muscle growth and speed of recovery.
Easy to digest
To those who suffer from problems in the process of digestion, they should turn to almond milk, the reason why it contains about one gram of fiber per cup, which is important healthy and aids digestion, and does not carry the complexity of your digestive system.
Almond milk does not contain lactose
Many people suffer from lactose intolerance, and it suffices to say that 25% of the population of the United States of America have this disease or allergy, which means that they have difficulty digesting sugar in cow's milk. This makes almond milk a suitable alternative, since it is lactose-free.
The unique taste is more granular than cow's milk
Almond milk does not taste like cow's milk, making it ideal for those who don't like that taste. Some even describe it as having a unique flavor that is described as light and pure. In order to benefit from this surprise to you, this milk is more diverse, and this means that you can use it instead of cow's milk in many recipes that require it, and although it will not have the same taste, but it will have the same consistency.
Almond milk does not require refrigeration
You do not need to cool almond milk, which means that it will be easier to transport it with you to work, camping, or anywhere else.
Easy to make
Making this milk is simple and not just complicated. You must grind it by putting it in a blender with water, then filtering the pulp with a colander to separate it from the liquid.
Note: This article contains tips for medicinal uses of one or more natural herbs, plants, foods, or oils. These treatments are normal and for normal people do not cause harm, but you should always refer to a doctor before using them to ensure they are appropriate to your health condition and are not inconsistent with Medicines you may take and determine the appropriate dose, and the importance of medical advice increases in the case of children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women.
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