Preeclampsia during pregnancy is one of the most serious problems a pregnant woman is exposed to during the nine-month prenatal period. Determining the occurrence of preeclampsia is extremely important to ensure proper treatment is taken and not to leave it getting worse and poses a risk to the mother.
The spouses, especially the woman, are waiting impatiently for pregnancy, as it is considered the most important of the marital fruits and the expected joy, and when the results of the tests appear to the occurrence of pregnancy, preparations begin for two important periods, the first of which is the period of pregnancy which lasts as is known nine months, and the second period is after birth.
What concerns us in this article is the period of pregnancy due to the fact that it is a special burden for the mother, especially those who undergo commercialization for the first time, during this period we will notice the frequent visits of the doctor to the doctor and the many and many advice that she must follow to the safety of pregnancy, as if she must not carry large weights or Practiced Arduous workers or others.
They must be in a rest period at most, but some symptoms that may pose a risk for pregnancy may arise, the most important of which is pre-eclampsia, the serious problem associated with this disease is that it may be silent and unknown and the woman does not feel it in its stages The first, which may pose a serious danger to her health.
Therefore we will try to help provide the most important indications that the disease has occurred, and one of them is not required to be present to confirm its existence, but the presence of one of them requires a visit to the doctor and do many tests to ensure the safety of pregnancy.
Preeclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy that is characterized by high blood pressure and the occurrence of problems with it in the human organs such as the kidneys and liver, according to research and studies, this condition develops in a rate of 5 to 8 percent of all cases of pregnancy, and doctors are still not sure of the cause Conclusively, and if not treated in time, preeclampsia can develop into complete intoxication, so although you may not notice your high blood pressure, it is important to check every visit before birth.Some studies indicate that a blood pressure of 140/90 in a woman without hypertension can be a sign of preeclampsia. It is also important to know what is normal for you, for example, if your blood pressure is usually low but suddenly rises (even if it becomes close to normal pressure, it may not attract the attention of a nurse, and therefore it is up to the pregnant woman to alert the doctor to the difference In sudden blood pressure degrees).
The presence of protein in the urine is a symptom of preeclampsia
One of the classic symptoms of preeclampsia is the presence of protein in the urine. The protein in the urine can be due to the blood vessels leaking into the kidneys, which leads to the transmission of the protein from the bloodstream to the urine. blood pressure.However, despite the presence or appearance of this sign, attention must be paid to the emergence of some recent studies that indicated that preeclampsia can occur without the presence of protein in the urine. The study also urged doctors to diagnose other symptoms.
Besides the emergence of protein in it, the urine can carry more signs that the kidneys are not working properly, if the pregnant woman notices that she does not urinate a lot, it may be because of the constriction of blood vessels caused by high blood pressure.
It is an indication that when preeclampsia becomes severe, then the pregnant woman begins to produce less urine or even stop producing urine altogether, in such a case the woman should contact the doctor immediately.
Swelling in the body
Preeclampsia usually occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, which is the period when pregnant women are more susceptible to natural swelling due to fluid retention but the swelling can be the result of preeclampsia, so how can you tell the difference? Look at the face. Swelling of the face and hands is more worrisome, because swelling of the feet and lower legs is more common during pregnancy.Severe headache
Headaches are also common conditions in pregnancy, so how do you know if you have anything to worry about? If the matter is severe and does not go away, it can be one of the signs of preeclampsia.A recent study showed that 38% of women who suffer from (secondary headache) suffer from preeclampsia, which is much higher than the ratio between 5 and 8 in One hundred percent of pregnant women are women. Other studies have shown that women who suffer from preeclampsia are also susceptible to migraines, which makes things more confusing.
Nausea or vomiting (morning sickness)
Morning sickness should disappear after the first three months, so if a pregnant woman suddenly feels the urge to vomit and nausea in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, chances are that it is caused by something else. A study from Norway has shown that women who suffer from nausea or vomiting in pregnancy have a greater chance of receiving preeclampsia.Nausea or vomiting can occur due to pressure on the liver from the leaking blood vessels. However, doctors can find that after performing the necessary tests they are caused by other things like flu or gallbladder, so make sure that the doctor checks for blood pressure and urine as other signs On preeclampsia.
Sudden weight gain is a symptom of preeclampsia
As with swelling of hands and face, fluid build-up in the body can lead to rapid weight gain with preeclampsia. Sudden weight gain is a result of water retention and swelling. Studies have shown that getting a lot of weight during pregnancy, especially within a few days, or about a kilogram per week, should make the necessary checks.Change in vision
The American Academy of Ophthalmology has reported that between 25 to 50 percent of pregnant women have reported visual symptoms, including confusion, bright lights, spots, or light sensitivity, although these changes stop after pregnancy, but they are Among the most serious symptoms of preeclampsia, the cause of changes in vision is due to optic nerve swelling, a sign of brain swelling.Unusually strong reactions are signs of preeclampsia
These symptoms will be difficult to diagnose at home. And she needs a doctor to test your reactions with a rubber mallet? Excessive reactions have a strong indication of the condition. Excessive reaction occurs due to irritation of the central nervous system due to brain swellingShortness of breath and anxiety
In recent pregnancy, it is normal for pregnant women to feel short of breath, but shortness of breath may be a symptom of preeclampsia. It may be caused by fluid buildup in the lungs, which can also lead to anxiety, and therefore it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.Note: This article contains medical advice, although these tips were written by specialists and are safe and not harmful to use for most ordinary people, but they are not considered a substitute for your personal doctor's advice. Use it at your own risk.
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