7 information you may first know about coffee
7 information you may first know about coffee
Coffee is the most widely consumed drink, and it is also the second most traded product in the world after oil, with 25 million farmers in more than 50 countries participating in its production.

But there is information that you may know for the first time about the history of coffee, provided by "Health and Human Research" for its fans as follows:

The most expensive coffee in the world

There is a type of coffee that costs $ 600 per pound, a type that is extracted from the feces of an Indonesian animal called civet, which is an animal that is unable to digest coffee beans, so it is fermented in its stomach before it is taken out, and this produces soft coffee and chocolate without bitterness once it is collected Those pills from feces and washed.

Coffee Belt

Today, the majority of coffee is grown in Brazil, which produces 40% of world production; that's twice the number of second and third place producers, Colombia and Vietnam.

The only state in the United States that produces coffee commercially is Hawaii, with distinctive Kona beans.

And enjoy each of these sites warm and moist throughout the year associated with the tropics, a climate favored by coffee seeds a lot.

In fact, the area between latitudes 25 ° N and 30 ° S was named the 'coffee belt' for this reason.

Block them a few times throughout history

Coffee has been banned a few times throughout history. In Mecca in 1511 it was banned because officials were certain that it had caused radical thinking, as Italian clerics in the late 16th century called it a "demonic drink."

By 1623, the Ottoman leader Murad IV decided to impose penalties on a coffee drinker, such as hitting or throwing into the sea.

The Swedish government also made possession of coffee makers illegal in 1746, which included cups and plates that could theoretically be used for other things.

In 1777, King Frederick the Great of Prussia tried to outlaw coffee, because he was concerned about beer sales.

Goats dance leads to discovery

Legend has it that goat herders noticed at the beginning of the ninth century that their goats seemed to dance after eating coffee beans.

A monk got up at the local level after the idea of ​​making a drink from these pills spread and after drinking it, he stayed up all night.

This event marks the birth of the original coffee cup, but in general first coffee use, the beans were mixed with fats to create an energy-rich snack.

And if you prefer to record history, the first written record of coffee cultivation comes from Yemen at the end of the fifteenth century; and after the discovery of its cultivation, coffee was exported very quickly to the rest of the world, and its cultivation began in the seventeenth century.

Kind effect

When adding cream to a coffee drink, it maintains its warmness for a longer period, although the initial addition of cold cream cools it somewhat, and in general, coffee with cream cools 20% slower than black.

This is true for two reasons: First: the darker the drink, the faster its release to heat. Second, the more viscous the drink (thicker coffee with thicker coffee than black coffee), the slower the heat.

There is also some evidence that caffeine in coffee with an additive (milk or cream) is absorbed more slowly by the body.

Other things play a bigger role in the speed of caffeine metabolism, including the amount of fiber in your stomach as well.

Coffee flour

The coffee beans we use are actually stone cherry-like fruit nuclei, grown on shrubs, and coffee cherries have two seeds, with the sides put together.

About 10-15% of coffee cherries have only one seed, which is called coffee cherries, and it is common to think that cherry seeds have more flavor, although there is no real evidence for this claim.

Because of concern about waste, some companies have started producing a product called coffee flour, made from the fruits of dried coffee.

But the nutritional benefits are the important surprise: coffee flour may be a rich source of fiber, antioxidants, iron, protein, and potassium.

health benefits

Coffee contains high levels of antioxidants in addition to potassium, manganese and vitamin B.

One research showed that caffeine in coffee provides protection against Alzheimer's disease, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson's disease, and women also appear to be less likely to develop skin cancer when they regularly consume caffeine.


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