Amazing things to know about cerumen or earwax
Amazing things to know about cerumen or earwax
Cerumen or earwax is that waxy material in the ear canals, which some people try to get rid of, while some leave it in their ears without cleaning, we learn many facts about cerumen and review some information that you may know about it for the first time.

Samlakh is one of those physical substances that get a bad reputation, it suffices to repeat the famous saying that was issued by the famous English writer William Shakespeare, who described one of the idiots (he does not have a lot of brain as well as Samlakh), and the saying contains a lot of insult, especially in that era And before knowing the benefits of wax, but it must be said that the cerumen did not get the appreciation that it should receive.

The first thing that we see is a person who shows some wax from his ears, he is directly accused of being a lazy person or not caring for his health, or sick. Despite this bad reputation, this wax-like substance has many benefits to human health, which calls us to meditate well on it.

Among the most important indicators that it provides about human health in general, some may be surprised by this statement, but many studies and research She pointed to a lot of discoveries that are related to felicia making you feel surprised and wanting to know more about him, a lot of felicia is definitely a bad thing, but the color and consistency of faience can tell you valuable information about your health.

It was used in the past for medical purposes

It was used in the past for medical purposes cotton swabs
You may be surprised if you knew that in the past all of the cerumen was done by humans for the purpose of using it in medical matters, and although many of us consider that this substance is dirt secreted by the body, others have discovered that it has many medical benefits and has been used for this purpose.

So it was used as a treatment for wounds in order to help it to heal quickly, and at the same time it was also used as a treatment for dry lips by applying it as an ointment and moisturizer, it is very strange that these benefits of cerumen were discovered in these ancient periods of human life.

You should not remove the cerumen by yourself

It is better not to try to remove wax from your ears alone, for the most part it is a wrong practice and may lead to harm to the ears, in addition to the ear it cleans itself without the need for human care except in some necessary medical cases, from the information that you must know That the ear cleans itself.

Also that the ear wax is parallel to the hair of the nose in terms of protection, and thus getting rid of it may be considered a health risk since you deprive the ear of its natural protection in addition to that you may expose the ear to harm, it is known that most of us use Cotton sticks to clean the ears In many cases.

A person cannot judge how close he is to the eardrum and the harm it may expose to him. Any injury to the eardrum may expose its owner to the risk of hearing loss and therefore it is better to refrain from cleaning the ear and if needed, the medical person must do this. the operation.

Wax color correlation with armpit smell

The human body is one unit that is not separated between its members at all and what you think is a separate part on the other. You will be surprised that it is very close to an unimaginable extent. The aroma of the armpit can tell a lot about a person’s health condition.

And what diseases he might be exposed to, as this also applies to cerumen, and for this doctors may be able to recognize some of the diseases that your body contains by studying cerumen, for example they can It warns us of two very serious cases, the first Regarding urine, which makes it resemble maple syrup (yes, because it makes the smell of urine like maple syrup).

And from a medical point of view it is a serious problem related to metabolism, and it can be detected in cerumen before it can be detected in a special urine examination, and the other is called urine disease Black, a disease that breaks down amino acids in the body, causing urine to turn black.

Scientists study the great blue whale through the cerumen

First, yes, blue whales have cerumen, and marine scientists usually remove some of cerumen for the whale and study it to take a lot of results that relate to the way the whale grows, its age, and also the degree of water pollution in which it lives.

It is known that the blue whale also has cerumen, and itself Time does not get rid of him unlike a person, as he stays with him throughout his life, this matter made it easy to study and disclose a lot of information about his life and development, as well as the hormones in his body such as testosterone during his growth.

Explain the origin of the human race

Did you know that someone can know a lot about you just by looking at your ear? If a person is a scientist or doctor, a specialist and a student of this matter, he can get to know your race by looking at the ear, here is the following information that may interest you about cerumen and its relationship to the human race.

Those who are black or white and if their ears are heard Usually it is sticky and its color tends to yellow, but those who are from East Asia or Native Americans are mostly dry, and the color of cerumen tends to white, the following surprise is that most Europeans are white race and the color of the wax is yellow, then it tends to be Smelly.

Originally, the genes (ABCC11) mutated for thousands of years, and this means that those who have a genetic mutation turn their wax into dry, Europeans generally do not have a mutation in this gene, so the cerumen is still yellow, viscous, and smelly.

Anthropology: the use of cerumen in the study of human migration

Remember that the mutation of the genes that caused so many changes in the color of the wax and its viscosity can tell us more than that. Dry cerumen is most common in Korea and China. A gene mutation is believed to have occurred there because it also affects the excretion of sweat.

In Southeast Asia, 30-50% have dry cerumen, and there are other pockets in those societies where white or yellow wax is concentrated, what does that mean? This means, in one way or another, that researchers can know the methods that past generations have used to reach their final destinations, Depending on the study of cerumen.

Use the cerumen for other purposes when needed

Our ancestors had people who had many innovative ways to find solutions. Tailors usually used beeswax on the thread to strengthen it, but when the settlers arrived in America, they did not have many bees at their disposal, so they resorted to the cerumen as a solution to this problem.

Was this the only problem that was resolved by Alsumalakh? No, he used wax to make the ink before the invention of printing.

Note: This article contains medical advice, although these tips were written by specialists and are safe and not harmful to use for most ordinary people, but they are not considered a substitute for your personal doctor's advice. Use it at your own risk.

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