Good morning exercise is a kind of periodic revitalization of the circulatory system. The body, like the machine, needs to be revitalized and energetic by continuing with some simple physical exercise so that it does not develop laziness, lethargy, circulatory problems and heart disease.

When it comes to exercising in the morning, it may seem difficult at first, but after getting used to these rituals it will become an easy habit that you cannot give up easily, as science indicates that the individual benefits greatly from conducting these early exercises before eating breakfast, whether those Benefits for health or for a daily agenda that some cannot be put off to another time.
You will get used to getting up early to focus on implementing your good exercise and exercise habits, and it takes only a little time for these exercises to become a habit, and doing exercises at any other time of the day does not replace the morning exercises, and this article will address: What Morning exercise benefits? What is the importance of morning exercises for children? What are the best morning exercises for the activity? What morning exercises are beneficial to the heart? How do you make morning exercises usually?
What are the benefits of morning exercise?

Many people engage in daily routine work, starting with eating in the morning, then going to work or studying, then sitting on the cafe and then sleeping, without thinking about getting enough training and exercise necessary for the body and health, and research has indicated that a fifth of Americans They only get the morning exercise that the body needs.
And many people may be unaware of the importance or benefits of those exercises not only for the individual's physical health but also for his mental well-being and his ability to social interact with others as well. The following are the most important health benefits of exercising in the health Ahh regularly:
Promote metabolism
Consuming more oxygen after exercising means that your body burns more calories than you are sitting at a desk or driving your car, and one study has shown that participants in exercise exercise burn an additional 190 calories during the 14 hours after exercise compared to those who did not exercise Morning exercises at all.
As the morning exercise exercises to open the appetite to food due to increased metabolism, and the body takes advantage of this food in three forms as follows: (As a source of energy - to replenish the body's cells - to store it as fat for use at a time Later), and this metabolism level cannot be achieved if exercise is performed late in the day.
Improve physical and mental energy
Experts consider that persevering with exercise every morning as a natural cup of coffee works to wake the body and stimulate the mind, as movement is a good source of activity and energy that we need at the beginning of our day, and further than that it proved the ability of morning exercises to improve focus and mental abilities throughout the day.
Where you feel alertness, enjoyment and more energy after exercising, as the mind is ready to take over all the tasks assigned to it throughout that day, and many researches have been conducted on the benefits of early exercise and results have shown that it awakens and alerts the mind to work better than eating A chasm that is weak.
Development of self-discipline
It is indisputable that waking up early to exercise regularly - albeit difficult in the beginning, but it will usually become easy over time - will enhance discipline and personal commitment in either appointments or business organization, as this discipline moves to other important areas and aspects in Your life, and it will be more beneficial and beneficial when one is committed to eating and nourishing the healthy body and mind.
Get better sleep
Waking up early to perform morning exercise helps to sleep better, as the body enjoys a sense of rest at the end of the day making it ready to fall asleep away from anxiety and turmoil, and a recent study was conducted on a group of participants in exercise at different times, including: at seven in the morning And at one in the evening, and at seven in the evening, and that over three days a week, the study concluded that people who exercise early in the morning get deeper sleep and better than others, unlike doing evening exercises that promote stress through at all S hormones adrenaline, and its effect on the body at that time is stressful.
Love life and feel happy
There is no doubt that exercising in the morning, resulting in the improvement of metabolism, will make the body look better and healthier, but the individual will enjoy a new life from physical and psychological comfort, and a number of experts have recommended patients with colds, poor digestion and depression to exercise in the morning.
Where Some studies have proven that these morning exercises stimulate the release of hormones of happiness or endorphins, and although it is difficult to get up early to perform these exercises in the morning, the results that reach the love of life and a constant feeling of happiness are worth sacrificing at that time.
Get rid of excess fat
Japanese researchers have proven that the exercise that a person performs before eating breakfast works to oxidize fats, as large fat molecules are broken down so that the body can benefit from them to obtain the energy they need, in addition to losing weight that leads to obtaining the ideal consistency, as one Belgian study has proven The morning exercise before breakfast simulates the state of fasting, and helps reduce excess weight while reducing blood sugar.
Improve mood and opportunities to interact with others
Running or some other exercise in the early morning allows the individual to take care of himself to be in a better state of health and mental; so that he can take care of everything, just as hormones of happiness make him in a better mood and mood, as he deals with others better.
And a study has proven An American at New York University that women who exercise morning exercises regularly maintain calm and psychological comfort more than others, as it has also proven the importance of those morning exercises in improving social relationships, and enables the individual to form new friendships while keeping friendships for as long as possible.
What is the importance of morning exercises for kids?

Our kids are our future, and supporting the child’s physical strength helps him lead a happy, healthy life free of diseases while strengthening immunity and strengthening the child’s bone and muscular structures, in addition to providing him with more energy and a sense of self while enhancing their respect, as well as reducing the periods children spend in front of TV or electronic games And others, which may pose a threat to children's health. The following are the most important health benefits of practicing morning exercises for children:
Promote healthy and physical growth
Research has proven that regular exercise by children, along with proper nutrition until adulthood, helps them maintain a healthy weight while reducing the possibility of weight gain. It also improves cardiovascular health by reducing heart disease such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes. And others, as it helps the child to improve balance.
Flexibility and strength, through building muscles and improving the general health and fitness of the child, in addition to developing fine physical motor skills in which the hands, fingers, legs, and others are used.
Do your daily jobs better
Recent studies have shown that morning morning exercise for children improves academic achievement, also encourages the mind to work better by multiplying between neurons and strengthening their bonds and protecting them from damage. In one study, weight gain and obesity were linked to a low level of school achievement and subsequent achievements in life.
As well Exercise has also been shown to enhance children's self-confidence and respect by improving mood and increasing interaction and reducing stress and anxiety, especially by obtaining sufficient calm sleep, as well as providing opportunities to develop social skills and form Make friends by participating in team sports teams, team work, and more.
Developing mental skills
There are many theories that assume the importance of morning exercise in improving mental and cognitive skills in children, some of which state that the reason for this is an improvement in blood flow and oxygen to the brain, as it has been shown to increase levels of noradrenaline and endorphins that help reduce stress and improve mood.
In addition to creating New neurons with improved communication between them, as has been proven useful in promoting neuronal production of proteins known as neuronal factors that have a direct impact on brain health and learning.
Improve student behavior in the classroom
In addition to the proposed physiological responses, the regular participation of children in some types of sports improves the behavior of the child in the classroom, which increases the level of focus on the academic content of these lessons, where some studies were conducted on children.
I found the importance of those exercises for the children's brain and improved cognition By doubling the levels of reading and mathematics to 20 times, as some other studies have proven that walking for 30 minutes in the morning helps children to solve problems by more than others who did not practice it by about 10% more effectively.
What are the best morning exercises for the activity?

Research has shown that morning exercise can change our lives for the better in an amazing way. Performing these exercises at the beginning of the day not only improves physical fitness, but also encourages proper nutrition while improving moods and a sense of physical and mental activity throughout the day. The following are the most important exercises recommended by American Psychological Association and Appalachian State University to enjoy physical and mental activity throughout the day:
running sport
Running is one of the most beneficial morning exercises, as it is carried out abroad, which is useful for communicating with nature and benefiting from fresh air in the early morning. It is also useful for building bones, maintaining weight and controlling blood pressure, although walking on the treadmill at home Or the club or gym has the same benefits provided that fresh air is available if we cannot walk in the park or between fields.
Jumping sport
It is a wonderful sport beneficial to the health of the heart and blood vessels, and is done by standing with the feet together and raising the arms up, and to continue jumping with the spreaders and feet outside and then back to the first position again, and continue for that for a minute and then take a break in the beginning The period is gradually increased until the individual feels tired.
Balance exercises
It is considered a kind of classic yoga, which is very beneficial for the health of the spine, balance and improving memory and concentration, and it begins to form the table position by placing hands and knees on the ground and maintaining back straightness, and after breathing well the left leg is raised parallel to the ground with the right arm, and after breathing well The movement is transmitted to the other side, and repeated 10 times each morning.
Go down the leg
This morning exercise is not only important for strengthening the muscles of the legs, it also strengthens the hips and knees as well, and is implemented by standing on the feet while keeping the hips apart, and make the arms stretched forward, then go down as if you wish To sit until you reach the angle of 90 degrees, then return to the standing position again while keeping the arms position straight, repeat that exercise 15 times, and you can divide it in two batches if you are a beginner and you cannot accomplish the number once.
Push up exercises
It is a beneficial morning exercise to strengthen the chest and shoulders, and is carried out by lying on the face and raising the body through the arms up, and after breathing well is going down with the body remaining straight with the legs, then back up again, and this exercise is repeated several times, It is preferred to start with a small number, then increase the number gradually until it reaches 100 times, and this may take a month.
What morning exercises are beneficial to the heart?

If you want to improve cardiovascular function, you need to do some cardiovascular exercises for 10 minutes regularly every day before breakfast, as you feel more refreshed and energetic, and experts recommend the beginner level that they should have a 30-second break every 30 seconds of exercise.
As for the average level, it is recommended to get 20 seconds of rest after every 40 seconds of exercise. For the advanced level, the athlete gets only 10 seconds of rest every 50 seconds of performing the exercises. The following are the most useful exercises for that as recommended by experts:
Jump on the imaginary rope
It is about jumping up and down the rope without a real rope. The goal of this exercise is to perform the largest number of simple jumps in record time, which is useful in stimulating blood circulation and strengthening the muscles of the heart.
Push with jump
Start by standing on the feet slightly away from each other, then descending on the palm of the hands to the ground, then jumping up to stand and return to the previous position while keeping the chest tight, continue to jump and descend on the palm of the hands, continue to do so until you reach the number that you can accomplish.
Jump with squat
From a moderate standing position with a wide distance between the hips, the depression then leads to a 90-degree squat session with the hands clenched together in front of the face, then jumping up to return to the straight standing again, and the exercise is repeated for at least two minutes.
Hands rotation
Morning exercises are performed even for a simple period daily to maintain the activity of the body and the heart, and the most important of these exercises is to get the body down while making the face to the ground, and the body is raised by hands from the ground in a straight way, the hands are constantly rotated, so that the body is raised with a hand One and the other hand touches the opposite shoulder, and this exercise is repeated for at least two minutes, which is a useful balance exercises.
Jump while you step
This exercise begins with standing on the feet with the knees bent and jumping in the air with the right leg raised forward, then the left leg returns to landing in a burst mode, and as soon as it lands on the knees quietly jump up in the air with the legs in the middle of the floor switched to the landing as the opposite leg progresses forward, and must Keep your chest up high.
Climbing feet and hands while lying down
Begin lying down with the body raised upright with the hands and feet, keep the torso level steady, make the right foot move forward without touching the ground while moving the left hand to touch the right knee and then return to the first position, raise the left foot forward without touching the ground and move the right hand to touch Left knee, then go back to the first position, exercise alternately between the left and right slit as quickly as possible without losing balance, which is a useful exercise for the muscles of the trunk and extremities.
How do you make morning exercises usually?

The benefits of exercise in the early morning cannot be overlooked, but that requires us to wake up early to perform those exercises regularly, and many of us may have trouble resisting the appetite for sleeping in the morning or leaving the bed at that particular time, and here are the most important steps that you can modify Your lifestyle for the better and getting up early to make morning exercises a habit of sticking to it non-stop:
Put the alarm away
If you are having trouble getting up early in the morning, you should set the alarm to the loud, loud voice, while placing it far away from your hands in the room, in order to force yourself to get out of bed and silence it, and thus get a greater opportunity to do and follow the tasks ahead.
Do not sit in the morning
After waking up from the type, do not go to the bathroom except for the necessity, and do not sit for breakfast except for a few of what helps you during the exercise, and also do not check your email or otherwise, but you must wear your sports clothes and move quickly to follow the exercises and complete the plan that you set for yourself.
Keep your goal in mind
If you are getting up and exercising tightly, you can feel bored after a while, but if you set yourself a short or long-term goal, the exercise you do in the early morning will become something you look forward to and wait for with passion.
Do not neglect the warm up
There is no doubt that spending at least five minutes in a warm-up will have a major effect on muscle stimulation after bedtime and before morning exercise regularly, and this warm-up gives you the ability to continue to perform stiff exercises for a long time.
Shorten the exercises and don't postpone them
Do not try to postpone the morning exercises for any reason, and if some emergency conditions have occurred to you, it is preferable to do some simple exercises that do not take long, so experts advise to continue to perform the exercises every morning for a short period so as not to affect your business, tasks and responsibilities. Required in the morning, a half hour, for example, is enough to do these sports, then take a shower, eat breakfast, wear clothes, and go to work on time after that without delay.
Ensuring regular morning exercise is good and very beneficial to the body, but appropriate healthy foods and foods should also be eaten, such as foods high in carbohydrates and proteins and low in fat before exercise, preferably from fruits as a small apple, banana or a little milk, to provide you with energy Required during the exercise, and it should not be neglected to drink a glass of water at least before going to the exercise to maintain the body's moisture and protect it from dehydration.
And if the exercise continues for more than 20 minutes, you should drink a cup of pure water every 20 minutes of exercise, and during the day the juices and The Aakar ideal foods between meals, we have offered in this article is the most important benefits of aerobic exercise morning, and its importance for children, the best exercise morning activity, the most important exercise morning heart useful, and finally how to make that exercise usually morning.
Note: This article contains medical advice, although these tips were written by specialists and are safe and not harmful to use for most ordinary people, but they are not considered a substitute for your personal doctor's advice. Use it at your own risk.
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